Our area volunteer firefighters train on weekends to be prepared to help us. All fire stations around Lake Gaston need volunteer medical and fire personnel. Consider joining, even you you only wish to drive a rescue vehicle or help with fundraising.
New Navigational Lights installed on Eaton Ferry Bridge.
Navigational lights have been installed by NCDOT on the Eaton Ferry Bridge to help with boating safety. Green lights were placed in the middle of the space between the bridge’s support columns, while red lights were placed on each end closer to the piers. The green lights can be seen 360 degrees and the red…
Read more about New Navigational Lights installed on Eaton Ferry Bridge.
You are the Help Until Help Arrives
Learn five simple steps that may save a life Call 9-1-1 Stay Safe Stop the Bleeding Position the Injured Provide Comfort
Real Virginia TV Segment
Real Virginia TV discusses the issues with 911, and how Lake Gaston 911 task Force addresses these issues.